The project entitled ‘At school of dreams – learning gives the power’

  The project entitled ‘At school of dreams – learning gives the power’ carried out by Primary School no 1 named after Janusz Korczak in Szprotawa was planned for 24 months and will last from July 2019 till the end of June 2021.

   The actions, indicated as the most important are the participation of school staff in two-week-long mobilities in Cyprus, Malta, The United Kingdom, Ireland and Germany during which they will take part in not only general language and specialist courses but also in language-methodological courses, such as: „Teacher Refresher Course for Non-Native Teachers”  „Creative use of Technology in the classroom”, „Content and Language Integrated Learning”, „The Playground Classroom Language Teaching Methodology for Primary School” or  „TEL -Technology Enhanced Learning”. The mobilities were planned in two rounds that means for July-September 2019 and for 2020 (exact course terms are not given).  The project assumes the following aims are: to develop the language fluency of not only teachers of general subjects and early school teachers but also management staff and administration staff; to raise the number of international projects, i.e. e-Twinning and the number of students and teachers taking part in them; the course for school teachers concerning introducing the integrated learning  (Geography in English) with the use of CLIL; to introduce the innovative teaching methods, to update teaching programmes and to adjust them to the need of contemporary students.  The school carried out the recruitment on which basis 14 project participants were chosen: German teacher, two English teachers, 3 Early school teachers, two PE teacher, Polish teacher,  Headmistress, Deputy director – Maths and IT teacher, Pedagogist and career counsellor and two people from front office service.

    Apart from the participation in courses, project participants will carry out actions aiming at the  development of their professional qualifications especially language and methodological competencies. During next stages, they will disseminate the gained knowledge and skills in local society in order to expand the number of project beneficiaries. This action will be based on organisation of courses, workshops and ‘open lessons’ in which students and teachers invited from other local school will take part. These events will concern teaching methodology, using ICT in work with students, the knowledge and use of tools of Europass and e-Twinning platform and the realization of project as part of Erasmus Plus Mobility for school education staff. The gained competencies will be also disseminated among the teaching staff of Primary School no 1 in Szprotawa. Moreover, the events promoting the knowledge of European countries and values are planned.

    The participation in project will allow its participants to develop their language skills and to broaden the knowledge and competencies in teaching methodology. The language teacher will refresh their workshop, the career counsellor will be able to take up international cooperation, the management and office service staff will be able to talk and negotiate with foreign partners and will have a Chance to communicate easily with foreign language students and their parents.  The growth of teachers’ language competencies will allow them to take up and keep in touch with international contacts and to carry out international projects. It will allow to increase the number of students taking part in these projects. The offer of extra lessons at school will be extended. Thanks to the fact that the students will be able to take part in lessons with the use of innovative methods and the school will introduce the lesson with the use of CLIL method, they will learn easier and faster and it will be translated into their results from internals tests and external exams. The participation in  international projects will develop their language, inter-cultural and interpersonal competencies. It will enhance their preparation to function and take up a job in multi-cultural societies. Through therealization of common aims their sensitivity and curiosity about different cultures will be enhanced.

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Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 w Szprotawie

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